Do NOT use this page to report a crime tips. To report a crime tips contact Crime Stoppers of Tampa Bay at 1-800-873-TIPS or text "CSTB plus your tip" to 274637. This page is not monitored 24/7.
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TPD welcomes a person's right to express his/her opinion and encourages posters to keep comments related to content on this page.
Before posting on this page, please review the terms below:
- A posting on this page constitutes acceptance of these terms.
- If you post information related to a crime on this page, you may be placing yourself in the position of becoming a witness in court proceedings.
- TPD reserves the right to remove and/or block anyone who posts inappropriate material as determined by TPD.
- TPD reserves the right to remove any comments that are inappropriate or offensive, including comments that:
- defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or violate the legal rights of others,
- include racism, hatred, slander, threats, obscenity, violence, vulgarity, name
- calling, spam or advertisements,
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- contain links to inappropriate or offensive websites.
- If you have photos or videos you'd like to share on this page, please send to a direct message for approval. We reserve the right to remove photos or videos for a variety of reasons, including potential copyright violations.