Monday, July 14, 2014

Fashion Show puts Spotlight on Domestic Violence Survivors


Six survivors of domestic violence rocked the runway at Visions of Hope’s “Breaking Free: Silent No More” fashion show.  The cameras were focused squarely on these beautiful models as they don fabulous fashions from a local designer. Chief Jane Castor addressed the packed house of supporters at the Club Renaissance in Sun City offering her personal support to victims of domestic violence. Castor took a private moment, behind the scenes, to share special words of encouragement with the stars of the show as they prepared to step out of the shadows of abuse and into the spotlight as survivors.
The founder of Visions of Hope International and organizer of the event, Ms. Lorianne De Loreto, is also a survivor. She left behind an abusive relationship and through Visions of Hope, made it her mission to educate, inspire and motivate other women and men who fall victim to domestic violence.

The Tampa Police Department congratulates survivors for courageously breaking free and speaking out. We are available to provide resources for any victim willing to take the necessary steps to break free from abuse. For more information, click here to go to our website, or call the abuse hotline at (800) 962-2873.
Blog contributor: Ida Walker, Executive Aide to Police Chief Jane Castor
Photo courtesy of Maurice Gardner

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